Friday, 27 December 2013

Applying Observer Design pattern using C#

Design patterns are solutions to commonly recurring problems incurred during software development. Observer is one of the most popular design problem and is also known as publisher/subscriber pattern. If you want to see how this pattern can be applied in real life scenario then please read my article.
Real Time Stock Feed Dashboard (Applying Observer Design pattern using WPF in c# )

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Office Development Using VSTO and C#

If you are interested in doing Microsoft Office Development and would like to leverage the power of latest .NET framework features such as Entity Framework and C# language features such as LINQ and Lambda Expressions then the below link to my article may be of interest to you. I request you read this article and let me know if you need any further help or have any queries. Enjoy reading!
Implementing Custom Action Pane and Custom Ribbon For Excel 2010 using VSTO and C#