Recently I was developing website using ASP.NET MVC 4 and wanted to add validation to my form to validate Indian mobile number. I wanted it to validate numbers entered in following format as valid!
1. It can be 10 digit number with first digit should be either 7,8 or 9
2. It can precede with a digit 0 or +91 or 0091. This is optional.
Below is sample code snippet showing the regular expression used to validate Indian Mobile Number.
// Below is sample code snippet.
function bool IsValidMobileNumber(string mobileNumber){
string pattern = @"^((0091)|(\+91)|0?)[789]{1}\d{9}$";
Regex regMobile = new Regex(pattern);
return regMobile.IsMatch(mobileNumber);
You can decorate the Model value as below when using it in ASP,NET MVC,
//This is required to annotate the public property of model.
using System,ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
public class SomeModel {
[RegularExpression(@"^((0091)|(\+91)|0?)[789]{1}\d{9}$", ErrorMessage = "Mobile Number is not valid!")]
public string MobileNumber get;set;
Here is an interpretation of this Regular Expression.
1. It can be 10 digit number with first digit should be either 7,8 or 9
2. It can precede with a digit 0 or +91 or 0091. This is optional.
Below is sample code snippet showing the regular expression used to validate Indian Mobile Number.
// Below is sample code snippet.
function bool IsValidMobileNumber(string mobileNumber){
string pattern = @"^((0091)|(\+91)|0?)[789]{1}\d{9}$";
Regex regMobile = new Regex(pattern);
return regMobile.IsMatch(mobileNumber);
You can decorate the Model value as below when using it in ASP,NET MVC,
//This is required to annotate the public property of model.
using System,ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
public class SomeModel {
[RegularExpression(@"^((0091)|(\+91)|0?)[789]{1}\d{9}$", ErrorMessage = "Mobile Number is not valid!")]
public string MobileNumber get;set;
Here is an interpretation of this Regular Expression.
- ^ and $ are anchor tags and indicate start and end of expression to be matched.
- We want three groups to be used either 0091,+91 or 0 and hence the group are specified in () brackets with '|' character to indicate or logic '?' indicate it is optional.
- I wanted 7,8 or 9 as first digit of 10 digit mobile number so [789]{1} indicate only valid digits in rectangular bracket and curly braces indicate I want it to be exact one digit long.
- Please note '+' has special meaning in regular expression and need to be preceded with '\' character if it is to be used as normal character and hence (\+91)
- '\d{9}' indicate allow only valid digits 0 to 9 and should be 9 digits long.
I have tested it with different valid combinations and it works fine.
e.g. of valid numbers are given below.
- 00919123456789
- +0917123456789
- 09123456789
- 7123456780
- 8012345678
- 9012345678
I hope you will find this useful!
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